Experiencing Social Studies: From Lecture to Board Game

This is an interactive workshop that combines traditional teaching methods with tabletop gaming and multi-sensory education techniques to create low-cost, highly engaging Social Studies experiences. The presenters will offer a brief overview of contemporary research into the impact of gaming and sensory learning on engagement, retention, and behavior, and will give participants the opportunity to "sample" classroom-style game play and historically relevant sensory activities. Our focus will be on the Early Modern Industrial period of US History, using the development of the railroad to illustrate key themes of the era through the Empire Express game. However, we will discuss ways to apply this to other topics and subject areas. We will also offer information about community resources throughout Montana that may assist teachers in creating hands-on experiences. We will offer examples for specific 5th and 11th grade Social Studies lessons.

MCSS (Social Studies)
Thursday, October 19, 2023
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Professional Development (Renewal) Units
Session - In-Person