Museum of the Rockies: Your Classroom Companion

Join Museum of the Rockies (MOR) Director of Education and Public Programming, Chelsea Hogan, from the new E.L. Wiegand Digital Learning Studio to learn how to use the museum as a resource for your classroom! No matter how far away you might be, there is something for every educator at MOR. From in-person field trips to virtual lessons led by expert museum teachers, to outreach kits packed with touchable objects and curriculum, you will take a tour through the myriad resources Museum of the Rockies has to offer. Subsidized bus funding is among the many benefits available to teachers, but you don't have to visit the museum to make it your classroom companion. Museum of the Rockies (MOR) is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, a college-level division of Montana State University, a Smithsonian Affiliate, and a repository for state and federal fossils. MOR is recognized as a world-class cultural and natural history museum and research facility. It is renowned for displaying an extensive collection of dinosaur fossils, including the fully-mounted Montana's T. rex skeleton. Museum of the Rockies invites all people to discover natural science and cultural history. The museum’s exhibits, collections, programs, and research create a community resource that brings the world to Montana and shares the Northern Rockies with the world.

MSTA (Science)
Thursday, October 19, 2023
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Professional Development (Renewal) Units
Virtual Session - Video on Demand