Montana Early Warning System: Promoting Access to Timely, Accurate Data on Dropout

The audience for this presentation includes superintendents, principals, and counselors. The primary message of the presentation contains the following points: • Based on the data, we conclude that the EWS model did work as intended. • The rollout of the program reflected a staged process which focused on professional development for high adoption schools in addition to the online tool. The professional development of the model was responsive and did change over time to meet emerging needs. • The design of the tool was found to be adequate, like online tools associated with the MAPS test administration. The tool was found to be accurate among users. • Scale should meet identified need and capacity for the program to be successful. Some schools do not have a defined need for the program, others do not have dropout prevention as a priority.. • At the state level, the scope of the program (access to the tool among all kinds of adopters) has eclipsed. This allows us to focus on existing schools. Professional development should target high and medium adopters. • Scale, capacity, and priorities will continue to inform school level implementation and information about the future rollout of the EWS program.

Friday, October 20, 2023
2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Professional Development (Renewal) Units
Session - In-Person
No charge