Behavior Data Does Not Have to Feel Hard

With increasing behavior difficulties among our elementary schools, teachers and other service providers are in a unique dilemma to find ways to intervene problematic behaviors at the tier 2 and tier 3 levels. However, despite many teachers having ingenious ideas for interventions, sometimes data collection feels like the barrier to supporting students and implementing an intervention with fidelity. This presentation will focus on 1) an overview of behavior functions, 2) the reasons behind behavior data collection, 3) ways to define behaviors, and 4) example behavior data collection methods. Participants will learn and discuss methods for data collection through the following means: anecdotal, frequency, duration, and intensity. Participants will also learn tips to help their data collection experience be accessible for their busy schedules, but with measurement techniques that still provide meaningful information.

Elementary Education
Friday, October 20, 2023
8:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Professional Development (Renewal) Units
Session - In-Person