Global Simulation: a hands-on activity from concept to assessment rubric

Global simulation is nothing new and has been around for decades. This 4hours presentation will be a hands-on workshop where learners will be actively doing the activities offered during the presentation. The workshop will quickly go over the definition of what is Global Simulation (30/45 min.) while the rest of the time will be dedicated to the direct application of the concept (group work/presentation). The last 30/45 minutes will be spent going over assessment rubrics for the level the learners are teaching in. The outcomes should be for the learners to have a clear understanding of what is Global Simulation, leaving with a clear idea of how they will implement such concept in their classroom, where it fits in the county/state curriculum and which standards it will respond to accompanied with a clear assessment rubric(s) it will be used to formally assess the students. While this session is for mainly Foreign Language teachers, it can also be adapted to a language art class. Global simulation can be adapted to any levels from K-12 even at the college level.

MALT (Foreign Languages)
Friday, October 20, 2023
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Professional Development (Renewal) Units
Session - In-Person