Teaching History / English Across Curriculum For Better Student Understanding

When students are engaged with topics across curriculum they gain a better understanding of course materials. This session is a practical application of teaching history and English in cross-curricular format for better understanding and more student involvement. While this tends to happen organically in some environments, many teachers may struggle with how to do more than "provide background" from other disciplines. This session involves how to prepare students for such study, how to assess the success, what concepts / topics work well together, how to create synthesis projects, etc. While some of the concepts can be taught by one teacher in one room, some schools combine the two classes into a block format taught by multiple teachers. I teach a block format US History / American Lit English class where I teach both sides of the class. This session will assist teachers in all these categories as well as arming them with ideas which can be taken back to their own classroom and utilized immediately.

MATELA (English Language Arts)/WPUBS (Writing Projects)
Friday, October 20, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Professional Development (Renewal) Units
Session - In-Person