Special Olympics Young Athletes--Everyone WINS!

This session will provide training on the Young Athletes (YA) programming available from Special Olympics Montana-Unified Champion Schools. Young Athletes is a set of comprehensive large motor activities, developed by physical therapists, in which children, ages 2-7 years, with and without developmental/intellectual disabilities participate together in physical activity and make friends. Basic sports skills like running, kicking, and throwing are introduced. Children of all abilities take part and they all benefit. Through engaging activities led by enthusiastic adults, children learn how to play with others, take turns, follow directions, gain confidence, and more! These skills can lead to better outcomes at school, in the home, and in the community. In addition, details will be provided during the training about other strategies and resources available from SOMT-UCS that support elementary schools in developing a positive, accepting social climate. Resources and equipment will be available to Unified Champion Schools upon completion of this training.

Early Childhood Education
Thursday, October 17, 2024
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Professional Development (Renewal) Units
Type of Session
Session - In-Person
This sectional targets grade level(s):
Early Childhood, Prek-2