Accessing Deeper Memories in Memoir Writing and the Personal Essay

It is crucial for a writer to access deeper and more concise memories to create a compelling memoir. Memories are more easily remembered and retrieved if the writer is experiencing strong emotions. The stronger the emotions are felt, the more evocative the writing will be. This workshop will help writers activate emotions and retrieve memories by demonstrating the technique of creating a sense of place through describing the physical setting. The workshop will walk attendees through a series of writing exercises, with each activity increasing the vividness of the details and strengthening the emotional intensity of the writing. The presenter will share examples of this technique by reading sections from his recently published memoir, The Boy Who Promised Me Horses. The workshop will provide instructional techniques that will aid in helping students fulfill the personal essay requirement of the Common Application.

MATELA (English Language Arts)/WPUBS (Writing Projects)
Thursday, October 17, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Professional Development (Renewal) Units
Type of Session
Session - In-Person
This sectional targets grade level(s):