Illuminating the Path: Exploring the Research Foundations of Montana's ELA Standards Revision

The Montana English Language Arts (ELA) Standards are currently undergoing a revision process. A task force of Montana ELA educator leaders has been working throughout Spring and Summer 2024 to develop and revise the existing standards based on five research briefs from the U.S. Department of Education's Institute for Educational Sciences Regional Educational Laboratory-Northwest. This interactive session will explore the guiding research behind the revisions, providing valuable insights into the decisions made and potential shifts in classroom practices. Participants will delve into these concise yet informative research briefs, covering (1) Reading Instructional Models and Practices, (2) The Relationship between Reading and Writing, (3) Stages of Emerging Literacy Development, (4) Components of Adolescent Literacy Development, and (5) Disciplinary Literacy Processes and Procedures. Through collaborative discussions and hands-on activities, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the research and develop practical strategies to enhance their classroom instruction across the curriculum. Objectives: Examine the key findings from the ELA Standards Revision Research Briefs. Engage in peer collaboration and discussion to unpack the research implications. Create an action plan to integrate research-informed practices into your classroom. Join us for this dynamic session and leave empowered with research-based strategies to elevate your ELA instruction and support student success.

MATELA (English Language Arts)/WPUBS (Writing Projects)
Thursday, October 17, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Professional Development (Renewal) Units
Type of Session
Session - In-Person
This sectional targets grade level(s):