Crash-Course in Meteorite Science: The mind-boggling and scary world of meteorites and asteroids!

There is no shortage of jaw-dropping discoveries made from meteorites. Known as the “poor man’s space probe” most meteorites come from the asteroid belt, but now that we have actual material from a known asteroid, we better sharpen up about meteorite science because we’re going to need it. This visually rich presentation filled with video clips will showcase dramatic meteorite falls the history of meteorite science through the impacts, both literally and figuratively, that launched many of our current understandings about the solar system from age to formation to evolution to mass extinctions. Meteorites also contain many exciting things including water, interstellar grains, diamonds, amino acids, organics, and unusual minerals. Further, their shapes influences spacecraft, their materials influenced cultures, and their mythology has inspired generations of storytellers. Now that we have plenty of sample return material from a known asteroid, the need for a more comprehensive understanding of meteorites and their parents, the asteroids. Here’s your crash course in meteorite science!

MSTA (Science)
Friday, October 18, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Professional Development (Renewal) Units
Type of Session
Session - In-Person