Embrace Humanity. Bridge the Gap: Tangible solutions for educators in an AI world
Perhaps the greatest reason we entered this profession was to work with and encourage people. Yet, that is what we spend the least amount of time doing. With the continued evolution and advancement of technology, the explosion of AI, and the increasing number of behaviors and at-risk students - educators are struggling to connect with colleagues, students, parents, and community members, even ourselves. This two-part workshop works through all that. Session one embraces the humanity of education. We will wrestle with the gaps that divide teachers from their students, curriculum, and community and gather tangible resources to help build unity between parents and teachers, reignite our passion for teaching, and encourage our hearts as educators, parents, and spouses. We will reconnect with the humanity of education. Session two addresses the invasion of Artificial Intelligence and the technology gaps that divide us. In this session, we will discover how AI, paired with a renewed focus on traditional skills, can transform communication, streamline planning, enhance lessons, and revolutionize how work is done in schools. Participants will leave with strategies for communicating with families, identifying needs, and developing targeted and personalized responses. We will explore schools' ethical responsibilities to embrace AI while protecting the fundamental aspects of education, community, and the human spirit. As educators, we need to get back to the humanity of education, while also directly and purposefully addressing and planning for AI. We believe quality educators can do both, and we look forward to sharing and working with you.
Friday, October 18, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Professional Development (Renewal) Units
Type of Session
Session - In-Person