More Than Just Teaching

MORE THAN JUST TEACHING Based upon the book, "More Than Just Teaching," Robert Hinchliffe motivates educators to remember that without relationships, students will not achieve the highest level of success. Combining his other books and his experiences from his 19+ years of administration, this presentation inspires individuals to go above and beyond for their students. Participants will enjoy music, engaging content, take an emotional rollercoaster for a ride, and look at different educational perspectives while thinking about how they can build dynamic teamwork in schools. Those in attendance will then have everything tied together with stories from fellow educators that prove what they do matters to the overall success of a whole child as they are reminded that what they do is "more than just teaching" for many individuals. Through reflection, the audience will think about the student that they have impacted the most, or the teacher that impacted them the most, attendees will leave with determination and understanding that relationships are paramount to the success of students in their classroom and schools. With this new intrinsic motivation and understanding, they will be more engaged in their profession and the retention of staff will increase because they will be reminded that what they do is of extreme importance to the future of our world. They will then have the opportunity to say thank you to those that are of great importance to their legacy as educators.

Friday, October 18, 2024
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Professional Development (Renewal) Units
Type of Session
Session - In-Person