Full Name
Katrina Engeldrum
Speaker Bio
My name is Katrina Engeldrum and I serve at the Office of Public Instruction as the Mathematics Instructional Coordinator. Since 2014, I worked as a 7-12 grade math teacher in Montana schools and utilized a standards-based approach to grading and instruction. I also sit as an Ex Officio board member of MCTM.
While working at the OPI, I have had the distinct honor of supporting the Math Standards revision process, the Math Innovation Zones grant project, MAST test item review, and other initiatives at the agency. Having been in the classroom until recently, I recognize how vital access to and understanding of the mathematics standards and instructional strategies can be for our state's educators.
When I am not working, I am taking coursework for my graduate degree in Educational Leadership at the University of Montana, or spending time with my family. I am pleased and honored to support the needs of our state's educators.
Katrina Engeldrum