Full Name
Jessica Veach
Speaker Bio
Jessica Veach is the Executive Director of the Montana Chapter of the National Epilepsy Foundation of America. After graduating from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee in 2001, Jessica moved to Seattle, Washington where she was an Elementary & Special Education teacher for 10 years. Having lived with Epilepsy since the age of 19, Jessica began volunteering with the Epilepsy Foundation. After successful brain surgery to control her seizures in 2012, Jessica joined the staff of the Epilepsy Foundation as Volunteer Coordinator. Her job description expanded, and she became Program & Outreach Manager in 2014. Her role changed once again in 2018 when she took on Communications and Marketing responsibilities. In July 2023, Jessica became the Executive Director of Epilepsy Foundation Montana. She is thrilled the Foundation officially has a Chapter in the state and is able to offer programs and services to the nearly 11,000 people living with epilepsy in Montana.
Jessica Veach