Working Effectively with Parents

Working with students can be challenging, and working with parents can be even more challenging. As an educator, there will be times when you’re required to work with parents. At Families First we see parents from all walks of life. Whether court ordered, stay-at-home parents, coming to us from the pre-release center, and/or successful business owners, each parenting scenario presents unique challenges and anxieties. For some parents, reaching out for help is second nature; for others, it can feel very scary and threatening. Building on concepts from the book "How to Talk So Parents Will Listen and Listen so Parents Will Talk", we will explore techniques and tricks that we use at Families First when working with parents in our 1:1 consultations, dads’ groups, and parenting classes. By the end of this presentation, we hope that you’ll have a few nuggets to take along as you continue the amazing work you already do with some of the most important people to your students, their parents.

MSCA (School Counselors)
Thursday, October 19, 2023
8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
Professional Development (Renewal) Units