Participants will engage in writing activities and strategies to better meet the standards in content areas and the requirements for Indian Education for all set out in Article X of the Montana State Constitution. We will explore how to actively engage students in a caring way to maintain high standards for all, regardless of their cultural background. Co-presenters are all Elk River Writing Project consultants, are part of the Billings Public School IEFA Leadership Team and specialize in Social Studies, English Language Arts and Mathematics. We are a community of educators dedicated to outreach, professional growth, and promising practices. We are committed to culturally-relevant education, which includes Indian Education for All, authentic student voice, indigenous knowledge of place, and social justice. We will explore writing and engage in activities that teachers can take back to their classrooms immediately to ensure we provide quality education for all students. Co-Presenters: Brooke Taylor, Lacy Watson, and Cheyenne Aldrich
Brooke Taylor , Math Teacher

Cheyenne Aldrich , Social Studies Teacher