1972 Montana Constitution - History & Threats

Mae Nan Ellingson would be the primary speaker for Friends of the Montana Constitution. Mae Nan is one of only 9 Constitutional Convention (ConCon) delegates still living (9 of the 100 citizen delegates who crafted our wonderful Constitution in 1972). Mae Nan was and is the youngest delegate, was voted one of the outstanding delegates and has been one of Montana's best attorneys over the years. As Vice Chair of the Friends of the Montana Constitution, Evan Barrett would be in a supportive role. Along with the relevant history (1889 Constitution - movement for change - 1972 Constitutional Convention - and what's happened in last 52 years) and status of the Constitution (the current situation where, after many efforts to change key elements of our Constitution, recent Legislatures have been attacking the Constitution) and presentation about how that might be approached during the 2025 Legislative Session. Several others may be present to provide materials to conference attendees (pocket versions of the Montana Constitution, copies of an approved Constitutional Convention/Constitution curriculum, and other useful materials).

MCSS (Social Studies)
Thursday, October 17, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Professional Development (Renewal) Units
Type of Session
Session - In-Person
This sectional targets grade level(s):