We are delighted you are considering becoming a presenter at our upcoming Educators Conference. We believe that your expertise will be a valuable addition to the event and we are confident that the attendees will benefit from your insights. We look forward to your participation and are excited to have you join us for this amazing opportunity.

Thank you in advance!

What hybrid means to us?

We will be hosting in-person sessions at Gallatin High School in Bozeman. The hybrid sessions LIVE streamed keynotes in the Theater; and scheduled virtual sessions in the format of VOD (videos on demand) with offered during the conference days of October 17 - 18, 2024.


What type of sessions are we looking?

We have a list of participating curriculum groups planning the conference alongside MFPE staff.  We welcome other areas of expertise outside of the participating curriculum groups.  You don't need to belong to a curriculum group or to MFPE to be a presenter.  Feel free to add your session to the best-fitting area or general.  We hope to expand our session offerings in Elementary Education, Early Childhood, Native American Studies.  


Wondering why you would consider presenting at the MFPE Educators Conference?

MFPE Educator Conference is historically the largest professional development conference in the state of Montana for educators.  The largest conference of it's kind in the northwestern region of the US.  It is an amazing opportunity for beginning to retired educators to network and share classroom strategies, and knowledge, and develop new skills.  And YOU can be a part it!


Participating Curriculum Groups

Curriculum groups plan, recruit and sponsor sessions for our peer to peer lead conference.  Sessions are not limited to these area.  If you don't find your area of interest feel free to submit a session under a general or other relevant group listed. 

MCSS (Social Studies)

Presenter dates to know


April 30, 2024

Last day for Applications to Present Submissions

May 1, 2024

Review of presentations begins

June 18, 2024

Scheduling complete and application responses sent

September 16, 2024

Video submissions deadline

September 16, 2024

Handout submission deadline